Here I am, parenting along, after the first long, hard 2 years and I think I've hit a sweet spot - the beginning of age 2.. when all of a sudden age 2 and 1/2 hits me square in the nose! We've all been warned of the "terrible twos," haven't we? I haven't experienced any 'terrible' yet, but there's been a whole lot of 'trying.'.. okay, so maybe some terrible. Anyway..
One of the most valuable things I've reminded myself is that this incredibly hard work of potty-training, teaching: gentleness, remorse, compassion, healthy eating and exercising, healthy amounts of "screen time," deciphering needs from wants, boundary setting.. all while trying to teach them to use their words instead of their fists.. IS ALL FOR SOMETHING... SOMETHING HUGE! Bringing up a person, or in my case, 2 people, to, eventually send out into the world. They WILL make an impact, good or bad... they'll always make an impact.
I am more than convinced that having the 2 at the same exact age almost guarantees more physically disturbing rivalry. You've got 2 toddlers, both going through extreme physical, cognitive, and most of all, emotional changes and they're still not able to understand what all that they're feeling and what to do with it all. Their infant though process is "when I feel mad, I hit.. right?" We have to TEACH gentleness as it isn't in our nature. Toddlers are a reaaaally good example of the very primal versions of humans, aren't we?
One of the things that help me in moments of all kinds, is that what I invest in my children now, will surely pay off when they're older (especially teenagers). I've heard that age 2 repeats itself at 16 - and after having been a 16 year old, and now having a couple of 2 year olds, I now know it to be true. Parenting twins (and children in general) is a high calling -- a very important one. Every interaction with our children be those of parents that are raising 30 year olds, not 2, 3,4 year olds. We are teaching them about the world they live in and will be out on their own in -- have the long term goal of teaching good character like: honesty, kindness, generosity and love long before focusing on fleeting things. Teach them the why behind the commands you give them, not just for the sake of obeying, but for the long-term sake of doing the right thing and questioning everything. After all, when they get to middle school and high school, if they're used to just following orders, eventually their friends and influences will be that voice.. that's when they either get into trouble or have thoughts and morals of their own because they've questioned the "why" behind it. Teach them to be able to stand on their own out in the real world. I don't want to leave this post without reminding us to always give ourselves grace. One of the most encouraging things that someone has said to me was when the girls were little. I was struggling with feeling like I wasn't making the best choices for them and a dear friend said "give yourself grace - you've only been a parent of these particular children for ____ months/years. So very true. Every age and stage are different and adjusting and figuring out that particular age is brand new to us.. even if we've had children before -- these kids are their own unique beings. May the bigger picture be on our hearts in the smallest of interactions we have with our precious ones - they matter more than we know.
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