Thursday, May 17, 2012


If I could go back to any moment over our babies' lives and just sit and enjoy, hands down, it would be this one. I was so ill toward the end of our pregnancy that the thought of being well again and having both precious babies in my arms was music to my ears! Do you know those moments in life that are so vivid and you cherish so much that you can close your eyes and see, touch, taste, hear, and smell the memory like you were there. This is one of those moments for me.

I ended up needing a semi-emergent c-section that called for babies to come out within a matter of hours. I was pre-eclamptic and very ill. I will spare the details. Once the surgery was on it's way, I remember hearing one of the 11 people in the surgery room say "Baby A" is out", who we now know as Aibel. I didn't hear or see her. Probably because I was so focused on the immense amount of pain that my neck and shoulders were in - referred pain. Then, a few seconds later I heard a cry and looked over and saw "Baby B," who we now call Eden. It was surreal. A few minutes later I had both babies lying on my chest and for about a minute I felt like I was literally in heaven. All of that intense pain I was feeling.. vanished for that minute. The amount of joy that I experienced holding not one, but both precious lives I had been awaiting was almost too much to handle, I think I nearly passed out.

I would give anything to re-live this moment again. Every time I want to remember, I close my eyes and I'm there. I think memory is God's way of allowing us to re-live joy, as well as sorrow. But in this case, pure joy!

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